
Vendor Management

Oxygen Electronics currently manages an active vendor database of more than 1,600 different suppliers located on six different continents. These vendors include Franchise Distributors, Independent Distributors, Component Manufacturers, and OEM’s eager to sell their excess inventory. In addition to this group of vendors, Oxygen has identified more than 5,000 additional potential vendors with whom we are eager to develop meaningful and lasting business relationships.

The challenges associated with proactively managing these vendor relationships are unique to the Spot Market and required the development of innovative tools. Brokerlynx was launched to protect against both Counterfeit product and fraudulent business practices. The Incoming Quality Plan (IQP) allows Oxygen to measure vendor performance in Real Time and assign a rating to each and every vendor.

The Rating System Explained

A performance matrix for each vendor is maintained to highlight past performance enabling our purchasing and sales staff to make informed decisions. The Green Matrix to the right is an example of a vendor exhibiting perfect performance.

On Time Delivery (OT): Has product arrived by the date required on the Oxygen Electronics Purchase Order. We impose no penalties for early delivery as our business demands that we have product available each time and every time.

On Time Delivery Customer (OTC): Oxygen’s vendor may have delivered late relative to the date on the Oxygen Purchase order, but not necessarily late relative to the date on our client's order.

Accuracy (Acc): Every time Oxygen a vendor supplies product that does not meet 100% of the purchase order requirements a deficiency is recorded for accuracy. This measure takes into account errors in quantity, date code, packaging, manufacturer, and part number.

Quality (Qual): Every time a vendor supplies product of inferior product quality a deficiency is recorded for Quality. This measure takes into account damaged product, used product, and counterfeit/substandard products!

Color Coding:

Green: Indicates a well performing Vendor
Yellow: Indicates a vendor where caution is required
Red: Indicates a vendor with unacceptable performance

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